I have tried to make some of my slax versions portable, running in a virtual under windows, all from stick, but the success is poor, real OS simply fails to work in such slow evirongment as loading virtualization from stick and emulate all real world in real time. Some people emulate some defoult hardware as in the virtual machines is the case, but also here big limitations are given in functionality. Yes, but even here some versions of let say knoppix (as most known one) will work on some hardaware, some versions wount because of the range of drivers and kernel modules included in that particular distro. Somebody might say, there is portbale linux. Yes it can run from CD or USB, but it is not more of use then for some troubleshooting etc, since ven on a fast PC, for normal work it is pain. PE means protected environgment, and so it is by no means full windows with all its functions. Unless I know in advance what hardware it should run on and include all drives needed for the range of computers I am going to use the thing on. The BootCD with my BartPE might work on my office PC, will not work at home or on my friends computer.

Technicaly, windows XP is an operating system, needs talk to bios, to hardware, so it can not be made portable same as bart PE can not be made protable since for each installation one needes separate set of drivers to be included. So far I work time to time with some builds of BartPE, but even this is useful for some things, I can not see how this could be made a normal windows.