I already have over six years of sobriety, yet the way he explains addiction and what to do about it made so much more sense to me.Ī Summary to Inspire You To Read this Book!

Plus, he also has a whole chapter on addiction that really helped me. He also has some great diagrams on How you create unhappiness and happiness in your life.

Ken gives you several techniques that you can use to create more awareness/consciousness. Your mind or left brain’s sole job is to keep you safe, comfortable, and complacent and solve all your problems or others’ problems. You don’t have to let your mind control your life – YOU control your life, and YOUR HIGHER SELF controls it. I really loved this book and how it impacted me so much because he explained that there is another way to live. Countless books have been written about controlling, taming, and wrestling it to happiness. I’d liken it to being attached to the ego-self.

He emphasizes that these things do not create an unhappy life the internal mental addiction or desire for them keeps you from enjoying your life. When you focus on these things, you get endless struggles with resentment, worry, suspicion, anger, jealousy, and fear. He wants to help you end the struggle of your lower consciousness, which is run by your ego and focuses on security, sex, ego rushes, money, prestige, power, and status. The goal of this book is for you to find happiness through your higher consciousness, which is what Ken calls the “Science of Happiness.” He breaks it down into two consciousness of human living – you’re living in lower consciousness, which Keye says 99% of people in the western world are, or you’re living in higher consciousness. It’s a short yet deep read into your mind. And it’s a classic in the field of higher consciousness. The author, Ken Keyes Jr, wrote this book in 1975. Or, if you’re interested in ending the struggle from your ego and lower consciousness – this book is like a lighthouse in a storm of your life, especially if you’re struggling right now. It’s a classic if you’re remotely interested in accessing the higher consciousness of your being. (There are also PDF copies floating around the web.) I went to a used bookstore online because I wanted the physical book. It took me a bit to find the original copy of this book.