Then press middle button on PS4 and start the game you want to mod like BO3. The Red Not Loaded text should change to green and say loaded. Hello World! If you enjoy gaming and would like to write unpaid for this site, Contact Us and we'll be happy to have ya join our Authors! Senior Member. Please download and install the latest version rather than trying to update any older versions. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. rar ( KB) Related help and support on his work. Earlier this month we saw the release of his PS4 Source Community Trainer, and following the CoD: BO3 PS4 Mod Menu demo footage by Matrix today returns with a Call of Duty: Black Ops III v ELF Aimbot and Loader Tool release via Twitter for jailbroken PlayStation 4 consoles.Following his previous guides, today PlayStation 4 modder shared a new Black Ops 3 Mods demo video on a PS4 exploited console via his YouTube Channel used in upcoming mods for the PS4-AIO RTE Tool.:biggrinxf2: This.

last update Wednesday, December 14, downloads downloads (7 days) Jan 17, Call of Duty: Black Ops III - HUD Toggle for Black Ops III - Game mod - Download The file HUD Toggle for Black Ops III is a modification for Call of Duty: Black Ops III, a(n) action ad for free.